Monday, April 13, 2009

I think we need one of these-- or else one of these years, I might have to spend my Easter in San Fran.... Maya and Mike, I hope you were part of this! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Finally, the weekend.

Here is what we are up to: Horse-riding lessons, seeing old friends, pot-luck jam-session, Easter breakfast, maybe Easter brunch (?), maybe work outside. 

what I would like to do: laaaaazzzzzzzzyyyyyyyy. Maybe work outside. Play, read a book.  :) and before you know it, back to work! 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

read any good books lately?

So, I have been trying to learn to relax, just a little bit. I am learning to live the life of an 8-5er and have my evenings to do whatever I want. Why is that so hard? It is SO-O-o-o0o hard for me to just get off work, come home, and let myself relax. There are always a million things I should be doing, that I never get done, but nonetheless, spend the evening doing something, never nothing. One thing I have noticed in the midst of all of this is that I miss books. Somehow, I let all of my magazine subscriptions run out (and somehow, I have not been totally missing them....strange), but I have been missing books. (I wonder if it has anything to do with the amount of hours I spend in front of a computer everyday....hmmm) 

Let me know if you have any recommendations. I don't even know where to start... Tonight would be a great night to cuddle up and read a book. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

blog lovelies

So, one day while browsing blogs, I came across another obsession. I don't know what it is, but every once in awhile, I become absolutely obsessed with someone who I have never met, but, there is something about their blog (that sounds so nerdy.) that just sucks me in. It is some sort of surreal dream life of mine. I think they are an interesting person and seem to find their personality magnetic. I enjoy peering into their life and interests, which must be similar to mine. The most recent find of this sort, is a fellow Oregonian. Hulaseventy is a blogger that I came across via her husbands site. Ward is, from what I understand, a pretty accomplished illustrator in the PDX area. Andrea, AKA hulaseventy, however has this beautiful way with words. She also takes amazing vintage-y polaroid photos and has some sort of kick-ass personality that I enjoy "reading". Here are a couple of her photos from her blog. -- you should totally check it out....

I wish this bus was ours.

Her hubby, Ward (see blog link above) just did a series of illustrations... I think this photo is related... the B-Boy series. What do you think? I love it.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

vacation - weekends - why can't it always be?

Well, I have finally moved some photos from the camera to the computer! Wow, that is progress. Last week we had a great vacation, we headed out on the annual Sunriver vacation. we were busy pretty much the whole time -- which is NOT my definition of a vacation -- but it was so much fun, I didn't even notice. we spent time sledding, biking, rock climbing, snowboarding, swimming, hot-tubbing and just about everything else that is there to do. As you can see, there were kid monkeys and a man-monkey (I think he is the OLDEST sibling.?.) We finally got to meet the newest member of the family, Little miss Skylar -- and Sophia got a chance to hold her while she was enjoying herself -- this made Sophia's vacation!  We got to spend lots of great time with the fam, and some great time together. I really enjoyed spending time with my nieces and nephew, I don't see them enough! So here is a quick little bit of photo memorabilia from the trip, enjoy!

weeeeee! Sledding -- shortly before Ariah strapped on Sophia's tiny snowboard for backflips down the mountain!

monkey man.... and the monkey kids!  Think they're related???
cutest girl ever (well, one of them....) definitely most photogenic!
FINALLY, I got to hold her!! That is a proud big cousin!
THE CREW.... almost. A few missing.....
Mt. Bachelor -- beautiful day!

Yesterday, Sophia and I had a great day. Every once in awhile, it has to be all about her, well, most days are, but this one REALLY was. We  had to get some new earrings for her ears, because she has officially reached the point where she can change them. Unfortunately, the ones she picked out must be for baby ears, they are not quite long enough - so we are back to the rubies, which is fine with me, I like them!  After picking out new earrings, we went to Grandma's house, and cousin Lucia and Grandma went with us to Sophia's first horseback riding lesson. She was amazing, like she had been doing it forever. She looked great with the horse, and the horse was great with her. I was so proud! CowGIRL up! ha ha ha

After riding, we got a couple great photos of the girls -- these cousins are best buds!

Trying to jump on the green train...