Sunday, July 27, 2008

More design...

Well, since I haven't had much for design postings, I decided to share a couple of things I have worked on recently. In earlier posts, I shared some business logos and postcards for my sisters pilates biz, well, since my sister is a genius, she also has another business going which is business consulting... Here is what I have worked up so far...nothing is final, nothing is concrete, just some ideas I sent her way..

As much as I want to put just the logo on here, this blogger won't let me (does anyone know why this happens sometimes?) the logo is obvious in the photos below, it is the red circle with the ag in it. .....

These are just my favorites:
the letterhead and business card:

Now that I have a "real" job, I spend so much time working that I have lost all time and motivation to do design and art for me. I want to get back into this, I need to be printing and drawing, taking photos and checking up on design news, even though I do it everyday at work, there is something different about doing design for work and doing design for me. My goal is to get that back!

Ciao for now....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool -- i love it!

Trying to jump on the green train...