Thursday, February 18, 2010


It was sure great to see the sun today - I realize that it gives me a whole new outlook on my day, better mood, more motivation. Amazing. Today was great, the sun was shining, I even hit the gym after work (pointless, considering I finished the night with a cheeseburger and tater tots, YUM), point is, I went. What makes me sad is that I know it's just a tease, see, I want the sun to STAY! I see you coming rain, and I don't like it one bit.

well, for now, I am just going to enjoy a couple of sunny days! Enjoy yours as well.

1 comment:

Petra said...

UGH - I totally feel you and just wrote about the same thing. We've had 60 degree weather almost all week and now have snow predicted for Sunday. I hate to be teased!!

Trying to jump on the green train...