Saturday, December 5, 2009

the weekend

Here we are again, at another weekend! YAY. Seems like we have been laying low lately, we used to go, go, go, but lately, we have spent some days home. It is a nice change. This weekend here is the agenda:

Last night: dinner with friends. I made salt dough ornaments and the girls (Sophia and her friend) painted them. Can't wait to tie ribbons on them and finalize them, hope to get some photos soon as well.

Today: going to a weaving (baskets) workshop, I am taking Sophia and hopefully she can get that under her belt, it is a hard concept, but part of her heritage and history, so important! We may only be there for about an hour, but should be a good social and crafty time.
Later, we will head to Willamina for the COLD and short, kind of tacky, light parade & hot cocoa. Funny thing is that we go every year, even though it is a bunch of monster trucks and log trucks with just a few lights -- only lasts about 10 minutes. It's fun.

Tomorrow: nothing. So far, I got nothing. WHAT am I going to do tomorrow???

I LOVE winter weekends with no plans :)

Enjoy yours!


Petra said...

I love your new background... and I especially love weekends with no plans or commitments! Hope it was fun.

Molly said...

I too love the new background! Glad you had a great weekend.

Trying to jump on the green train...