Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some updates!

Well, awhile back, like, in JUNE (yes, I am that much of a slacker) we had some wonderful visitors. As usual, I did not take enough photos, but got one or two pretty cute ones. My cousins, Maya and Dylan, and their mates, Elizabeth and Mike came up on a road trip. We enjoyed them SO SO much and are hoping to see them all again in a couple of weeks. . . It really makes me wish we could live closer to them. They are so much fun. As I said, I didn't get too many photos, but I did love this one of Maya with my girls, Nico and Sophia.

Unfortunately, later on that night, the kids were bad and got put in the cage that we keep in our living room.... :(

JUST KIDDING -- that is Nico's crate and the kids being dorks. Imagine that! These two are something else when they get together.

Some more recent news is.......... drumroll please.................... we have arrived home from a week on the canoe journey. And I have a couple of pics. From day one. Then I never took another photo, the whole time. :) Yes, that's how I work!

Above is a photo of the beach before our canoe came into shore on the first day, as this beach filled up with these hand-dug canoes, it was a pretty amazing site to see.

The front seat in the canoe is called the princess seat.... can you see who is in there?? Look closer:

OF COURSE, should've known. It is Sophia, all smiles!
We had a great time. I paddled about a day and a half, a total of maybe 17-18 miles. Sounds like a lot to me, but really, it is nothing compared to what most people paddle on this journey. It is a lot of work, but, every year I return and can't wait for the next year. It is really a great experience, hard work, but tons of fun.

In other news, my garden is out of control -- it is a pure jungle. I have about 7 tomato plants that are taking over, yet no red tomatoes. I ate my first pole beans today, right off of the plant. They were delicious. And, my green onions are HUGE. Hope to get pictures up soon.

Still job searching, but definitely not complaining.

Summer is so much more fun outside, than on the computer!

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Trying to jump on the green train...